Preferred Real Estate Network | Broker Sign Up

Enroll today for no-cost professional radon testing services for your home buyers and sellers conducted by our qualified professionals. 

Once enrolled, we will work with you to schedule a program presentation to your agents.

Program Benefits:
  • No-cost radon testing by our qualified professionals
  • Once a year complimentary radon testing for your past clients
  • Professional testing services with your closing date in mind
  • Educational materials for your agents and their clients about radon and real estate 

No-cost radon testing by our qualified professionals

Once a year complimentary radon testing for your past clients

Professional testing services with your closing date in mind

Educational materials for your agents and their clients about radon and real estate 

0% APR


Finance Your Radon Mitigation Installation

Offer Ends: 2/29/24

USE CODE: LoveYourLungs