The Green Scene Podcast

The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology

The Green Scene Podcast

The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology


The Green Scene Podcast

The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology


Episode 3: The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology

With David Gillay and Chris Bonniwell
Episode 3: The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology ​ by Protect Environmental
  • Episode 3: The Effect of Vapor Intrusion on Regulatory Guidance and Technology ​

Show Notes:

In the third episode of The Green Scene Podcast, Kyle Hoylman interviews David Gillay and Chris Bonniwell on the ever-changing vapor intrusion industry and how it has affected regulatory guidance and long-term stewardship obligations. They also discuss the evolving science of remote telemetric technology – changing best practices for monitoring and maintaining vapor intrusion around the world.

Guest Bios:

David Gillay - Partner in the Environmental Department of Barnes & Thornburg

David Gillay is a partner in the Environmental Department of Barnes & Thornburg. Before joining the department in 2001, he obtained an advanced environmental engineering degree and practiced as an environmental consultant on various projects across the country.

Presently, David has a legal practice that concentrates on many environmental subjects, such as brownfields projects – remediation projects dealing with soil, surface water and groundwater contamination, environmental due diligence – assessing and managing the vapor intrusion pathway in real estate transactions and redevelopment property. His area of expertise also involves cost-recovery claims against owners and operators for contamination, including evaluating other mechanisms to fund investigatory and cleanup activities.

Chris Bonniwell, PhD – President of Vapor Products Group

Chris Bonniwell is a nationally recognized provider of radon and chemical vapor intrusion mitigation solutions and has over 13 years of professional environmental experience as a state regulator and environmental consultant.

Currently, Chris leads the development, production, and assessment of products advancing the radon and chemical vapor intrusion industry, along with the recently patented Vapor Sentinel Remote Monitoring System and Vapor Sentinel New Construction technology.

Vapor Intrusion and Regulatory Guidance

Vapor Intrusion was not heavily investigated until about 15 to 20 years ago, however, vapor intrusion is now the exposure pathway with the greatest concern with environmental contamination. In the past two decades, the science, regulation and technology of vapor intrusion has continued to develop and expand.

With regulation change, there is better technological development to manage this long-term lability and risks. New telemetric technology now gives clients certainty that vapor intrusion is being properly mitigated through continuous monitoring.

The practices and technology for new construction projects continue to evolve, as well, with sub-slab solutions. There is a growing trend to implement these vapor safe techniques into every building whether vapor intrusion is present or for future protection.

“I think there is a growing trend, especially in the regulatory environment, to better understand how vapor intrusion is migrating and moving below the subsurface.”
Chris Bonniwell
President of Vapor Products Group

Key Take-Aways:

  • The dangers of vapor intrusion
  • How has the vapor intrusion industry changed over the past 15 years?
  • The requirements for long-term liability obligations
  • The guidance for vapor intrusion within government reuse and transactional due diligence
  • The benefits of continuing obligation plans
  • The future for vapor intrusion regulatory guidance
  • New technology that impacts long term liability and risks
  • The current process for monitoring and maintaining VI
  • Defining telemetric monitoring as a VI solution
  • The future of VI monitoring
  • The new practices and technology for vapor intrusion in new construction
  • The benefits of sub slab solutions
  • From a legal standpoint, the best protection for new construction projects
  • How vapor intrusion is transforming science, regulatory guidance, and technology for the better


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