Why do Homes have a High Level of Radon Concentration?


Why do Homes have a High Level of Radon Concentration?

Why do Homes have a High Level of Radon Concentration?


As a homeowner, you take pride in maintaining a safe haven for yourself and your family. However, without the proper surveillance, a number of factors can threaten your health and safety within the walls of your home. For instance, radon concentration is a notorious threat to homes across the country. So why do some homes have a high level of radon? Well, concentration levels of radon vary based on a number of environmental and structural factors. To learn more about radon, your home’s radon concentration, and how to limit your radon exposure, keep reading!

What is radon?

When a person breathes in radon gas, their lungs are exposed to small amounts of radiation that can significantly damage their cells and even lead to various types of cancer. Though it may be surprising, radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, with smoking as the leading cause. While radon poses a serious threat to homeowners and their families, the good news is that it can be identified and controlled with regular radon testing and radon mitigation.

In order to limit the threat of radon in your home, it’s important to understand exactly what it is and where it comes from. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that is both colorless and odorless. 

Outdoors, radon disperses quickly into the atmosphere and causes minimal health issues. However, radon can enter into homes through cracks in the foundation, sump pumps, plumbing fixtures, and other entry points where it can accumulate to dangerous levels. When trapped inside, it can lead to a host of medical issues, particularly when the individuals have been exposed to radon for many years. Learn about lung cancer survivor Leah Phillips’ story and how she believes her lung cancer was caused by radon exposure at home.

Do all homes have a high radon concentration?

As mentioned above, radon generally does not create any problems in its gaseous form outdoors, since it dissipates rapidly into the atmosphere. However, when contained in buildings such as homes, schools or hospitals, for example, it can become highly dangerous for those inside the building. The risks associated with breathing in elevated radon levels only increases over time, which is why it is so important to keep the levels in your home in check.

That being said, how can you determine whether or not your home has a high level of radon. More likely than not, there is at least a small level of radon concentration in your home, even if you have a mitigation system in place. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 1 out of every 15 homes in the US are estimated to contain elevated levels of radon. The average radon concentration in the United State is between 1-3 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), but some homes contain radon concentrations well over 100 pCi/L. If your radon test shows a concentration of 4.0 pCi/L or more, it’s time to take action. A radon mitigation system can effectively reduce your home’s radon concentration by up to 99% when installed correctly.

In order to reduce radon levels in homes, more and more builders are adopting radon-resistant new construction techniques to protect residents’ health and safety. However, even if your home has been built using radon-resistant techniques, it’s still essential to test the home for radon upon moving in. Learn more about activating a passive radon mitigation system.

Why do homes have a high level of radon concentration?

Some homes have high levels of radon because the gas can enter homes and buildings several ways and can become trapped in the home. Any home or building can have high levels of radon. Many factors like geography, weather, and the unique structure of the home can impact radon levels.

How Radon Enters the Home

While it is not unusual for a home to contain some amount of radon (the lowest possible level is ideal), radon concentration is largely determined by environmental and structural conditions. Radon itself is a result of the natural decay of uranium, an element which is present in nearly every type of soil anywhere in the world. As uranium decays, it releases radon into the surrounding soil, which rises up and seeps through any cracks or holes in homes’ foundations. Over time, radon can accumulate and becomes increasingly dangerous for residents, who may be unknowingly breathing in the radioactive gas day after day.

The second most common contributing source for high radon levels– after soil gas – is water supply. Although it is less likely that radon will enter your home through the water supply than through soil, it is still a possibility that should be taken seriously. For example, well water can contain radon, which can be a health risk for residents when they breathe in the radioactive gas that’s released into the air during showers, running the sink, or even doing the dishes. Drinking water containing radon can also lead to cases of stomach cancer. It’s always a good idea to test your water for the presence of radon, especially if you source your water from a private well. If you have a radon mitigation system and are still seeing elevated radon levels, it’s time to have your water tested as it could be the source of radon in your home.

Rradon can also enter a home through the decay of construction materials such as brick, marble and granite, but this is a much less common point of entry than through soil gas or water supplies.

old home have higher concentrations of radon

Is Radon in Old Homes More Common?

Although this is not always the case, radon in old homes is typically higher than in newly built ones.

The key factors that influence radon levels—such as cracks in the foundation, gaps around pipes, and poor ventilation—tend to be more pronounced in older homes, which may not have been built with radon-resistant materials or techniques.

However, many new homes are more energy efficient, which can seal in heating and cooling, but the radon gas as well. Regardless of your home’s age it is important to test! A radon test is the only way to know if you are being exposed to this radioactive gas. 

Here’s a quick breakdown why an older home might have high radon levels:

Foundation Integrity

Over time, the foundations of older homes may develop cracks or other structural issues, which can allow more radon to seep in from the soil beneath the building. These entry points are common in houses built without modern radon-resistant construction techniques.

Building Materials

Older homes may also contain certain materials, such as stone or brick, which can naturally emit tiny amounts of radon. Although this is less significant compared to radon seeping in from the soil, it can contribute to higher overall levels.

Geographical Factors

The surrounding soil and geography can influence radon levels. While age can be a factor, homes built in high-radon areas are at greater risk regardless of age.

Newly constructed homes often use radon-resistant building techniques, such as radon barriers and enhanced ventilation, to help mitigate radon risk. However, even modern homes are not immune to radon issues, so regular testing is recommended for all buildings.

Concerned about your home's radon levels?

How to Take Action:

Because radon has no odor or color to indicate its presence in your home, it is crucial to regularly test your home for high radon concentrations. This is the only way to ensure that you and your family are not inhaling or consuming dangerous amounts of radon, either through the air or water supply. As previously mentioned, when radon accumulates in a home, residents could be unknowingly inhaling the radioactive gas, which can then damage the cells in their lungs and lead to lung cancer. Though less common, when consumed in water, it can lead to serious health issues such as stomach cancer and can even contribute to radon levels in the air.

Hiring an experienced radon contractor to test your home’s radon concentration is the first step to maintaining a safe and healthy home. Not only will our radon experts determine your home’s current radon concentration, we will also help you decide what mitigation measures should be taken to reduce your home’s radon level. If you haven’t tested your home for radon recently, or you’re about to move into a new home, contact a professioal for an inspection.

Test My Home!

Professional radon testing is the first step to making your home a safe place to breathe.

Strategies to reduce your risk of radon exposure at home

If you are concerned about your home’s radon concentration, time is of the essence. Because radon can be a danger to residents’ health, it’s important to not put off reducing your radon levels. Start by contacting a certified radon company (find your local Protect Environmental professionals) for help in understanding the radon concentration in your home. 

If your radon test reveals elevated radon concentrations, work with certified professionals to install a radon mitigation system to reduce the levels in your home. 

How often should you test your home for radon?

Although it may be easy to overlook or postpone, radon testing should be a top priority for all homeowners and be included in your routine home maintenance checklist. After all, the more vigilant you are about reducing radioactive radon gas in your home, the safer your indoor air will be. That being said, how often should you test your home’s radon concentration? If you already have a radon mitigation system installed in your home, you should continue to have your home tested every two years and your system inspected every year to ensure that it continues to function as designed.

Family-About Protect Environmental

Protect yourself and your family from radon concentration

If you’re asking, why do homes have high radon concentrations, then you’ll also want to know how to fix it. 

Colorless and odorless, radon is a radioactive gas that can accumulate in homes and cause serious health problems for residents. Although most homes contain some level of radon, it is crucial to perform regular radon testing in order to know for sure what your levels are. Radon concentrations above the EPA action level (4.0 pCi/L), radon lead to significant health issues for residents. To reduce this risk, a radon professional can test your home’s radon levels and recommend a mitigation system if necessary. Radon mitigation experts will work with you to reduce the radon levels in your home for a more healthy and safe place to breathe.

Radon danger for children

A case study by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry concluded that due to lung shape and size differences, children have an increased risk and a higher estimated radiation dose when exposed to the same radon levels compared to adults. Children breathe in deeper, faster, and proportionately more air than adults. Their lungs are developing faster, making them more sensitive to the effects of indoor air quality. Since effects of radiation take years to develop, individuals exposed to elevated levels of radon in their youth are more likely to develop radon-related illnesses later in life. Contact a radon professional today.

Get a Free Quote

Request service today to get a free quote on a radon mitigation system for your home. Make sure your home is a safe place to breathe!


    1. “What Is Radon Gas? Is It Dangerous?” EPA, https://www.epa.gov/radiation/what-radon-gas-it-dangerous
    2. A Citizen’s Guide to Radon The Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Radon. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-02/documents/2012_a_citizens_guide_to_radon.pdf
    3. Case Studies In Environmental Medicine, https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/radon/radon.pdf
    4. US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicity of Radon, accessed January 4, 2022.

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