
6 Common Myths About Radon

Not many people have heard of radon, let alone know about the full possibility of its health impacts. There are also those who know about radon, but don’t have the facts and proper information about what it is and how it affects our bodies.



The lack of education, misinformation and myths about radon can make it difficult to fully understand its risks. With the proper education, we can help you make an informed decision about radon testing and mitigation in your home or business.



In this article, we’re going to be debunking common radon myths and giving you facts that will help you keep you and your household safe from this silent killer.

1. You Can Detect High Levels of Radon Without a Radon Test

Unlike other dangerous gasses (like carbon monoxide) that can be detected by basic human senses, the radioactive gas radon is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Given that radon is undetectable by sight, smell, or taste, the only way to determine its presence in your home is through testing—a precaution you certainly wouldn’t want to overlook.



This is why radon testing is the only way to know if radon is present in your home. Determining the radon levels in your house early allows you to promptly begin the process of reduction.

2. A Small Amount of Radon Isn’t That Dangerous

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and more than 21,000 people in the U.S. alone die each year from exposure to this radioactive gas.



It’s a harsh statistic, but it is a testament to how many underestimate the dangers of radon, even in seemingly “small” amounts. The truth is, no amount of radon is safe, and the longer you breathe in air contaminated with radon, the more susceptible you will become to developing conditions like lung cancer. 



A radon test is the only way to accurately determine your home’s radon levels. If the test detects levels above 4 picoCuries per liter of air (pCi/L) and you’ve lived in that home for a long time, this means that you’ve been exposed to radon over a long period of time and it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with your doctor. Look out for some of the symptoms of radon gas poisoning including, persistent cough, chest pain, frequent infections like pneumonia, and more. 



Radon detection and mitigation is the best prevention. 

3. My House Is New, So I Don’t Have to Worry About Radon

Many homeowners believe that because they own a newer home, or own a home without a basement, they don’t have to worry about radon. 


Unfortunately, all homes, whether newly constructed, old, well-insulated, or without a basement, are susceptible to radon. Any home or building can have elevated radon levels This is because radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, making it almost impossible to avoid completely. 



Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium in the ground. As most homes are built in contact with the ground, it’s possible that radon could be entering your home. Radon rises and primarily enters your home through cracks in the foundation. Even the smallest cracks put you at risk. 



But surely, you can rely on newer constructions to undergo rigorous radon testing and radon-proofing, right? As it stands, there are only 11 states in the country that have building codes that require radon-resistant new construction (RRNC). 

These states are California, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, and West Virginia. Even then, it is called radon-resistant for a reason: there is no way to guarantee your home remains free of the radioactive gas. 

4. I Can Just Air Out My Home to Get Rid of Radon

One of the seemingly more believable radon myths is that you can just ventilate your home by opening windows and letting the radon escape. 



Looking at radon facts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) debunks this myth. Radon gas is approximately 7.5 times heavier than air, but it is a noble gas with no chemical affinity and is easily influenced by air movements and pressure.

Opening a window will not rid your home of any significant level of radon, rather just disperse it throughout the house in erratic manners. 



Radon mitigation services should be installed by qualified professionals in or outside the home and vacuum the radioactive gas from below the foundation, up through the mitigation system piping, and out above the roofline. 



As you can see, this process is much different than just opening up your windows. Intricate and complex building science and an understanding of the sensitive impacts on the air pressure in your home is required to install a system most effective in reducing radon levels in any home or building. 

5. You Only Have To Test Your Home For Radon Once

Because radon is a naturally occurring gas, it’s influenced by geological factors such as variations in the water table, affecting the quality of well water. Other factors that affect radon levels include shifts in seasons and weather patterns, and home renovations. The concentration of radon beneath your home is subject to change over time and does not remain constant. Given these variables, it is advised to conduct radon testing at least every two years, regardless of whether you have a mitigation system in place. 



Regular maintenance of your radon mitigation system is essential to guarantee its ongoing functionality.

6. Radon Testing and Mitigation is Expensive and Complicated

A radon mitigation system that’s not installed properly can inadvertently worsen radon levels, due to the delicate balance of pressure required to achieve effective radon reduction. Through our dedication to excellence and meticulous attention to detail, we aim to provide not only peace of mind but also a safer living environment for you and your loved ones.



Protect Environmental offers convenient scheduling and digital testing done by National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) certified technicians that allows you to see a detailed analysis of your home’s radon levels after a 48-hour active radon testing period. 



When it’s time to install your radon mitigation system, our team can have your system up and running in approximately one business day. 

Keep Your Family Safe, Test For Radon Today With Protect Environmental

The best way to protect your household from exposure to the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers is by educating yourself on the facts about radon and reaching out to our experts. 



At Protect Environmental, we’re dedicated to making your home a safe place to breathe with professional radon testing and mitigation services. Our experts thoroughly gather data on your home’s radon levels and help put together an action plan that reduces these levels so you can enjoy your home with the utmost peace of mind. 



Fill out our service request form or call us at 877-508-8850 today to make sure your home is a healthy and safe place to breathe.

Test My Home!

Professional radon testing is the first step to making your home a safe place to breathe.

Press Releases

Ways to Promote Healthy Communities & Prevent Radon-Induced Lung Cancer During National Public Health Week 

In support of National Public Health Week, Protect Environmental reduces cost barriers providing increased access to radon testing to prevent the leading cause of environmental cancer mortality.

LOUISVILLE, KY. – (April 2, 2024) – Celebrated during the first week of April, National Public Health Week was initiated by the American Public Health Association to encourage communities to work together to improve public health. Environmental factors in the spaces we live, work, and learn have an impact on personal and public health. More radon awareness and testing are needed to address the leading cause of environmental cancer mortality, reverse the deadly trends, and reduce the multi-billion-dollar economic burden.  

“Inhaling cancer-causing air is not a choice people knowingly make. Unfortunately, too many people don’t know they should test until they receive a devastating lung cancer diagnosis,” said Kyle Hoylman, chief executive officer of Protect Environmental. “Our mission to create healthy, safe, and sustainable indoor environments in the places we live, work, and learn aligns with many public health goals but more awareness and radon testing is required to save lives.”  

Elevated levels of cancer-causing radon have been identified in every state and any building is at risk. The good news is exposure is preventable but much of the country remains dangerously undertested. Radon-induced lung cancer is estimated to cost nearly 6 billion dollars in annual medical costs and claim the lives of at least 21,000 Americans each year. Much of the cost burden is carried by taxpayers through Medicaid and Medicare making this a key public health issue that continues to fly under the radar.  

“Everyone deserves a healthy and safe living space. That is why we are doing our part by offering free radon test kits to homeowners nationwide to increase access to testing and create healthier neighborhoods across the country,” said Chris Ferguson, director of products and laboratory operations at Protect Environmental.  

Radon is a radioactive gas released as Uranium decays underground. Radon can enter buildings through gaps, cracks, and crevices in the foundation of a building and can accumulate to dangerous levels indoors. The only way to know if the occupants of a building are at risk of radon exposure is to test. The EPA recommends testing for radon every two years as geological and environmental factors can cause radon levels to fluctuate. If elevated levels are found, radon exposure can be limited with effective, efficient, and economical mitigation methods. 

 Steps to prevent radon-induced lung cancer: 

  1. Test. To increase access to testing nationwide, the American Lung Association and Protect Environmental have partnered with RAdata Analytical Lab to provide free radon test kits to homeowners.  
  2. Fix. If there is an issue, indoor radon can be reduced with cost-effective mitigation systems. Do your research and choose a radon professional that is licensed and certified. In the communities Protect Environmental currently serves, financing is available through GreenSky.  
  3. Explore. To better understand the radon risk in your community, use the Protect Environmental National Radon Risk Search™ tool 
  4. Share. Testing for radon saves lives. Share this message and these testing opportunities with your loved ones, your community, and your neighbors. Follow Protect Environmental on social media and use the hashtag #LoveYourLungs to help prevent lung cancer. Help educate kids about radon with free downloadable and printable radon coloring pages. 

About Protect Environmental

Protect Environmental is a national leader in the environmental consulting and construction industry, focusing on radon and chemical vapor intrusion management. With a proven track record spanning 38 years and more than 250,000 completed projects in all 50 U.S. states and 2 U.S. territories, the company provides expert service from its trusted professionals to provide peace of mind protection to property owners seeking to build and maintain healthy, safe, and sustainable indoor environments. Join our rapidly expanding team, apply today. For more information, call 502-221-3373 or click on 


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